How I Choreograph a New Zumba® Routine

There is no right or wrong way to make a new Zumba® routine. When you are just starting out or loodanceking for something fresh, finding out how others do it can help you come up with some new ideas. So here’s how I choreograph a new Zumba® routine.

Let me first say that I have no dance background. OK, I did do ballet once when I was 5 but that doesn’t really count. But when I discovered Zumba® as an adult, I fell in love! For a few years I just went to class and enjoyed my workout. Then when I started teaching, I had to put together my own routines. I was not a member of ZIN™ so I had to put together routines from scratch. In the beginning it took a lot of time to prepare but eventually I got in a groove.

First I select some songs that I like and put them in a playlist on my iPod called “Songs to Learn”. The songs are from the ZIN™ CDs and songs I find from other sources (YouTube, iTunes, Pandora, etc.). Once I have some songs picked out, I listen to them- A LOT! My husband bought me an iPod dock with speakers that I can set my iPod into and listen to music. So when I get ready in the morning, I listen to this playlist. When I vacuum the house, I put in my earphones and listen to my “Songs to Learn” playlist.

While I’m listening to these songs, I try to imagine/create movements that feel natural for the music and beat. For example, as I’m listening, there may be parts of the song that just feel natural to body roll or destroza or shoulder shimmy. For me, this does not happen with every song. In fact, being able to just feel the right moves doesn’t happen too often. But when it does, it’s awesome!

The next step for me is piecing together the routine from inspirational videos. I’ll look at the ZIN™ DVD routines (if available) and a handful of YouTube videos. If I like a move in one video for the chorus and moves from other videos for the verse and intro, I piece them together along with any parts that I made up on my own to make a full routine. This is how I prepare about 90% of the routines I make.

The final step is practicing. Hopefully you have the song transitions and flow down from listening while vacuuming (or driving or showering) so now all you need to do is add the moves. Practice the song with your moves a few times and voila, you’ve got your new Zumba® routine down! I will also always listen to the song right before class so it’s fresh in my mind.

So this is how I choreograph my Zumba® routines. Will it work for everyone? No. But this is what works for me. Let others know what your strategy is by commenting below!

6 thoughts on “How I Choreograph a New Zumba® Routine

  1. Thank you very much for this routine designing idea. I’m just starting out in Zumba, and after just one exercise I’m ready to start trying my own. Again, thank you very much for your help. 😀

  2. Good to know I’m on the right track! I have been listening to my Zumba list obsessively and working them all together like a puzzle. I’m going for my license next month and have 2 teaching opportunities waiting for me! I’m so happy to have found this site, it’s such an amazing resource! Thank you!

  3. Thank you. This is exactly what I am doing as I am driving in my car, imagining the routine or if it is a song that I already know, I am moving to the beat in my car. Your advise helps me feel more at ease.

  4. Thank you. I think that routine will work for me as I want to become a Zumba instructor. I go to Zumba classes here in Belfast and I really love it so I thought I would enjoy becoming a Zumba instructor. I am not a member of ZIN but how do I go about becoming a member?

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